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January 26, 2015


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January 19, 2015

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Febuary 10, 2014

(pending approval) Naval Submarine Base


Durfee student awarded Legion of Valor 'Junior of the Year' 


Dec. 2, 2014

FALL RIVER — The dress blue uniform worn by Cadet Lt. Daniel Meyen, a member of the Navy Junior Reserve Officer Corps, already displays an impressive set of ribbons and medals. Not unlike a high ranking officer in the U.S. military.

But Meyen is still a senior at B.M.C. Durfee High School and still a cadet in training, not technically a fully sworn-in member of the military just yet.

On Tuesday he received one more medal to add to his collection, the Legion of Valor “Junior of the Year” award, and is just one of 22 cadets nationwide to earn that honor. Meyen was one of two cadets in Area Four — a region that includes thousands of cadets from 55 high schools and extends from Pennsylvania to Maine — to be awarded.



Drill Season 2014


Dec. 13, 2014


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